Steve Nix

Forestry Expert


B.S., Forest Resource Management, University of Georgia


  • Worked for a forestry consulting company
  • Managed a county forestry and wildfire program
  • Wrote about forest resources as an analyst for the state of Alabama
  • Wrote U.S. Forest Service technical reports
  • Earned numerous certifications in forest resource management


Steve Nix is a former writer for ThoughtCo who contributed articles about forestry for more than 19 years. Steve researched, analyzed and wrote about forest resources in the southern United States during nearly 20 years as a forest resources analyst for the state of Alabama. His experience includes working with a private forestry consulting company and managing county forestry and wildfire program in Randolph County, Alabama.

Steve earned certificates in several forestry specialization areas, including Conservation Law Enforcement, Forest Wildlands Burning, and Forest Pesticide Application. Nix was also an Alabama Registered Forester and is a member of the Society of American Foresters. His ThoughtCo articles and data appear in numerous newspapers, natural resource magazines, and in U.S. Forest Service technical reports. 


Steve Nix holds a bachelor's degree in Forest Resource Management from the University of Georgia. 

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